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Regional Spotlight: British Columbia

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Invest in Canada

Stretching along 27,000 kilometers of Pacific Ocean coastline, home to three Unesco World Heritage sites and six National Parks, and the resting place of the world’s largest hockey stick is Canada’s most westerly-province, British Columbia! Coined ‘Canada’s west coast capital of opportunity,’ B.C. is known for its energetic and educated workforce, an exceptional quality of life, an abundance of natural resources, powerful transportation networks, and more.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Attraction

B.C. is a top destination of choice for global investors, for compelling reason. B.C. offers: 

  • A stable operating environment for businesses, a competitive corporate tax system and a variety of incentive programs including specialized tax credits for manufacturing jobs and training programs; 

  • Favourable location and robust transportation infrastructure that connects B.C. to the world by air (36 certified airports service non-stop destinations throughout Canada, the United States, Asia and Europe) and by water (home to Canada’s largest port, The Port of Vancouver, and the deepest natural harbour in North America, Port of Prince Rupert); 

  • A strong workforce pipeline with 360,000 post-secondary graduates and over 14,000 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) graduates every year, produced by the province’s 25 universities and colleges; 

  • Experienced, skilled talent including some of the world’s top scientists and technology workers, and high-demand international workers and experienced entrepreneurs welcomed to B.C. through progressive immigration programs which offer pathways to permanent residency; 

  • Incredible quality of life brought about by vibrant cities, rich outdoor recreation, free universal healthcare, top-class universities, safety, multiculturality and high livability; 

  • An ecosystem of innovation and green innovation with a continent-leading climate plan, CleanBC, low-carbon production capacity, service and technology goals, tech-friendly business climate, and competitive clean electricity rates; 

  • Proven success in investment growth and business certainty based on collaborative, trusting relationships with First Nations. 


“British Columbia is attracting global companies seeking to innovate and to create sustainable growth for years to come. International investors are immediately drawn to the province for its leadership in technology, in clean energy and in global transportation. Invest in Canada is privileged to showcase British Columbia’s countless strengths globally, and look forward to continue supporting business expansion plans into the province alongside our partners.” 

Laurel Broten, CEO of Invest in Canada

Aerial view of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, including office and residential buildings, Vancouver Harbour, English Bay, boats and bridges.

Vancouver, British Columbia

FDI Impact

Foreign direct investment has contributed significantly to B.C.’s economy, job market and clean energy. Over the past ten years, British Columbia has hosted over 400 greenfield investments and more than 2,200 merger and acquisition deals, which have created over 33,500 new jobs in the province. Foreign investors have also stimulated B.C.’s flourishing start-up industry, having contributed more than $22M over the past four years. Foreign investment fuels activity in the R&D space, including investments by powerhouses such as, Microsoft and Mastercard.

At Invest in Canada, it is our mandate to find the best to invest. We work with partners across the country and worldwide to attract global companies and support their expansion plans in Canada, with the knowledge and insight to the locations best-fit to meet their needs.

Partner Spotlight 

Invest Vancouver logo
British Columbia Canada logo

Trade and Invest British Columbia (which operates under the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation) works with international enterprises to connect them to opportunities that make B.C. the natural place to work, live and invest. Trade and Invest BC helps facilitate FDI and has Trade and Investment Representatives in markets around the world including in China, Japan, Korea, SE Asia, Taiwan, India, Europe, Mexico and the United States. Assistance for FDI includes identifying high potential opportunities, sharing connections to local innovation hubs, and making introductions to industry contacts, companies seeking investment and local venture capital networks.

“We’re building a stronger B.C. through our Industrial Blueprint driving new investment, creating new jobs and seizing new opportunities in growing clean energy and sustainable industries,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “By leveraging B.C.’s strengths to create good jobs and opportunities in every community, we are improving the quality of life for people, while strengthening the province’s diverse economy.”

Invest Vancouver is Metro Vancouver’s regional economic development service. As an ecosystem partner and trusted advisor, Invest Vancouver provides business intelligence to help organizations grow and expand in the Metro Vancouver market. Invest Vancouver streamlines the investment and decision making processes for multinational companies considering the Metro Vancouver region, providing introductions and information including industry-specific market and labour data, and details of government programs and incentives.

FDI in action: E-One Moli 

Aerial view of a rendering of E-One Moli Energy’s battery cell plant

E-One Moli Energy battery cell plant

Global leaders like E-One Moli Energy Corp (a world-class manufacturer of high performance, superior quality rechargeable lithium-ion cells) are looking to B.C. to house their transformational green projects. E-One Moli chose the city of Maple-Ridge, located in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, for a new lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing plant. Battery cells produced in the plant will electrify devices that have traditionally relied on diesel, including consumer electronics, power tools, medical devices, high-performance vehicles and aerospace applications.

E-One Moli was drawn to B.C., and specifically Maple Ridge, for the regions’ profound climate commitments and clean technology manufacturing industry. The plant also found B.C. to be a fitting home for its proximity to the company’s headquarters in Taiwan, for its welcoming culture, and for ample local, R&D-trained talent.

The project is setting records in Canada. The province’s investment of as much as $80 million leverages $970 million from the federal government, E-One Moli and private sources to expand the battery R&D and manufacturing facility that will make the plant Canada’s largest giga factory for high-performance lithium-ion battery cells to be used in green mobility. The facility is expected to generate 350 new jobs and secure over 100 existing positions, and to successfully decrease carbon emissions.

"In order to land a large scale investment or expansion like E-One Moli Energy, collaboration across all levels of government is critical. We were pleased to be able to provide our support as a regional economic development service in order to help secure this important investment that will bring 350 new high-value jobs to our region's green economy," says Jacquie Griffiths, President of Invest Vancouver.

FDI in action: Amgen 

Two scientists in lab coats and safety equipment conduct work at Amgen’s state-of-the-art research laboratory in Burnaby.

Scientists at Amgen’s state-of-the-art research laboratory in Burnaby.

World-leading biotechnology company Amgen chose B.C. for its state-of-the-art Canadian research laboratory in Burnaby. The site discovers and develops pioneering medical treatments across the realms of immunology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and accelerates the delivery of therapeutics to patients suffering from serious illnesses.

Amgen, who employs more than 180 staff and scientists at the facility, was drawn to B.C. for its exceptional scientific talent pool who study and live in the province, for its connection to international markets and access for strong opportunity for clinical trials. The facility mandate aligns with the Government of British Columbia's Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy — a forward-thinking initiative co-led by the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation and the Ministry of Health, aimed at positioning British Columbia as a global hub for life sciences.

About British Columbia

British Columbia (B.C.) is a province rich in diversity – be it ecological, industry, or its population. B.C. is home to more than 5.5 million residents, a figure steadily growing each year with welcoming immigration policies and an enviable quality of life. Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, B.C.’s unique geography allows the province to do business with both Europe and Asia on the same business day, and to facilitate seamless, quick trade globally. Notably, B.C. provides the shortest sea route to the Asia-Pacific region from North America.

B.C. has a significant Indigenous Peoples population, who have distinct histories, cultures, languages, and deep connections to their traditional lands. There are more than 200 First Nations communities and over 290,000 Indigenous Peoples; these communities are actively involved in economic development within their traditional territories.

B.C. has an incredibly competitive business climate and is a leader in the development of the world’s high-skill, competitive, low-carbon future. In fact, 98% of the power generated for B.C.'s integrated grid comes from clean or renewable resources, making B.C. the leader in North America when it comes to clean energy. It has been ranked among the world’s top markets for tech talent, and for high-tech job growth. The province is home to industry-leading projects in a range of industries – from AI, hydrogen, aerospace, agri-tech, clean-tech, mining, life sciences and ocean technology.