2023-24 Departmental results report: At a glance
A departmental results report provides an account of actual accomplishments against plans, priorities and expected results set out in the associated Departmental Plan.
Read the full departmental plan
Key priorities
Invest in Canada’s top priorities for 2023-24 were as follows:
- Deploy customized promotional campaigns in target markets highlighting Canada’s world-class value proposition to raise the awareness of Canada as a top investment destination.
- Collaborate with network of partners, including the Trade Commissioner Service, in target markets to promote strategic opportunities for investment and attract new sources of investment.
- Support high-impact, transformational investments in key Government of Canada strategic priority sectors, such as EV supply chain, clean energy transition, life sciences and bio-manufacturing, and value-add agriculture.
- Build out a suite of knowledge products to promote the competitive value and high growth market potential of targeted and strategic sectors.
- Provide tools, market intelligence data and promotional material through InfoZone to partners to support their investment attraction efforts.
In 2023-24, total actual spending (including internal services) for Invest in Canada was $34,271,742 and total full-time equivalent staff (including internal services) was 67. For complete information on Invest in Canada’s total spending and human resources, read the Spending and human resources section of the full report.
The following provides a summary of the department’s achievements in 2023-24 according to its approved Departmental Results Framework. A Departmental Results Framework consists of a department’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.
Core responsibility 1: Foreign Direct Investment Attraction
Actual spending: $28,116,015
Actual human resources: 57
Departmental results achieved
Result 1: Canada is promoted as a foreign direct investment destination.
- Developed and launched a global advertising campaign in eight key markets, effectively reaching high-level business decision makers.
- Led Canada’s presence at signature and high-profile global events and enhanced the country’s visibility among key business decision makers.
- Developed and promoted bespoke content and targeted campaigns to elevate consideration of Canada as a destination for FDI in priority sectors.
Result 2: Investors are investing or expanding in Canada through the support of Invest in Canada services
- Collaborated with partners across all levels of government to offer a seamless customer journey to investors as they consider Canada as their preferred investment destination.
- Supported a pan-Canadian investment landscape and assisted global investors in considering diverse regions and communities across Canada as sites to expand their operations, securing 30 transformational and impactful investments into regions across Canada.
- Worked closely with the Trade Commissioner Service to ensure coordination on leads and in-market initiatives.
Result 3: Partners have access to services and tools to support their investment attraction efforts
- Innovated, grew and maintained Invest in Canada’s partner platform, InfoZone, to provide a suite of up-to-date and relevant FDI intelligence products to federal, provincial and municipal stakeholders.
- Created relevant content and products on key sectors, potential upcoming sectors, as well as regional content, including key attracting factors for FDI, notable investment data, and regional partner features.
- Built and expanded relationships with federal departments to steer the implementation of Canada’s foreign direct investment attraction strategy toward more efficiency and greater impact
More information about Foreign Direct Investment Attraction can be found in the "Results – what we achieved” section of the full departmental results report.