Female scientist working on plant seeds in an agriculture innovation lab in Canada

Expand to the
G7 country
with one of
the lowest
tax rates.

Source: OECD Tax Database

#2 most economically competitive country in the G20. Source: IMD

At Invest in Canada, Canada’s investment promotion agency, we bring industry, community and government partners together to make it easy for you to expand your business. Make Canada your second home.

Incentives For Business

Get more for your business here. Canada offers incentives and tax credit programmes designed to help your business grow.

R&D Incentives

Canada offers businesses one of the most generous R&D tax incentives in the G7. Canada's largest R&D program, SR&ED, can cover up to 15% of a company’s research and development costs. That's a clear financial advantage.

Innovation Funding

Canada's multibillion-dollar Strategic Innovation Fund supports large-scale transformative and collaborative projects across the country. It’s no wonder the largest Fortune 500 firms and other forward-thinking companies choose to expand to Canada.

Tax Deductions

Canada is the lowest-cost G7 country in the manufacturing and corporate services sectors. Canada also has the lowest business costs in the digital and R&D sectors. Sector by sector, there are many benefits to being in Canada.


In Canada, companies can write off up to 100% of new machinery and equipment costs, and specified clean energy equipment.

Tariff-Free Zones

Canada offers businesses tariff-free access for manufacturing machinery and equipment. That can be a big competitive advantage for your company’s expansion to Canada.


Global market access. Low costs. Abundant talent. Stability.
Canada is the best country in the G20 for global business expansion.


Expand to one
of the world's
best places to
do business

Canada’s competitiveness is a critical asset for our operations across the country. A highly skilled and diverse talent pool, as well as a stable regulatory process promoting innovation, are fundamental for our company.

Michelin Canada Andrew Mutch, President

Business Support

Canada’s corporate income tax rate and marginal effective tax rate (METR) are among the lowest in the G7. Companies in Canada enjoy tax advantages that are among the most beneficial in the world.

Competitive Costs

Canada offers global companies competitive operating costs, incentive programmes and a business-friendly tax environment. Perfect for expanding your business to Canada.

Fiscal soundness

Your investments are protected. Canada tops the G20 for its fiscal soundness.

Banks you can trust

The top six safest banks in North America are all in Canada. As well, Canada ranks top in terms of ease of investor protection, as reflected in Cornell University’s Global Innovation Index 2018. That means peace of mind is always top of mind when you expand your business to Canada.

Low corruption

Canada ranks 2nd in the G7 and 14th globally on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2022. You will find that Canada’s business environment is one of the most principled in the world.

Superior business climate

Canada continues to be the best country in the G20 for doing business, and it's easy to see why. Are you ready to make Canada your second home?