Female and male engineer working together on a robotic space arm in Canada

Make the
most educated
workforce your

Source: OECD

62% of Canadians aged 25–64 have graduated from tertiary education institutions. SOURCE: OECD

At Invest in Canada, Canada’s investment promotion agency, we bring industry, community and government partners together to make it easy for you to expand your business. Make Canada your second home.

Our STEM talent pool

Canadians are recognising the infinite possibilities in science, technology, engineering and maths. Our digital economy is leaning on students in STEM now more than ever, and they're more than equipped to handle it.

3.4M+ STEM graduates

26% of all Canadian post-secondary enrolments are STEM students. Canada's STEM graduates keep pushing innovation forward. In 2018, Canada retained nearly 82% of 2016 STEM Bachelor degree graduates. With their impressive knowledge and skill set, this future workforce will keep you in good hands.

Investing in Education

Canada’s high education sector spent $15.9 billion in 2021, an 11th consecutive annual gain. In Canada, education will always be our priority.

Canadian institutions

Canadian universities rank among the best in the world, with 11 making the top 250.

Top education

Canada ranks 1st in the OECD for highest share of university or college graduates among the working-age population.


Relationships between businesses and universities are thriving thanks to 60-plus business incubators, accelerators and start-up programmes affiliated with Canadian universities. You're sure to find the perfect university match for your business.


Global market access. Low costs. Abundant talent. Stability.
Canada is the best country in the G20 for global business expansion.


Expand to one
of the world's
best places to
do business

GM selected Canada for its clear capacity for innovation, proven talent, and strong ecosystem of great universities, start-ups, and innovative suppliers.

General Motors Company Mark Reuss, President

A Talent Hive

In the market for talent? 62% of Canadians aged 25–64 have graduated from higher education institutions, making our workforce the most educated in the world. There’s no better place to find such qualified talent.

Highly skilled workforce

In global competitiveness, Canada is currently ranked 2nd among G7 countries. A wealth of talent, strong economic performance, and government and business efficiency provide some of the reasons why.

A+ performance

Universities are an integral collaborator through incubators that launch student inventions and start new companies. Our universities combine academic studies with real-world experience that fuels the entrepreneurial spirit of your future employees.

A wealth of talent

Canada attracts the best and brightest because of its diversity and inclusivity, and high quality of life.

Welcoming to immigrants

Because Canada has welcomed people from all over the world, we now have a workforce that speaks over 200 languages! Twenty-six percent of workers in Canada are immigrants, and immigrants hold about half of all STEM degrees in Canada. It's a key reason why Canada is a global business magnet.

Attracting foreign students

Canada now ranks 3rd globally in foreign student attraction. In the 2020-2021 academic year, over 2.2 million students were enrolled in Canadian public universities and colleges.

Superior business climate

Canada continues to be the best country in the G20 for doing business, and it's easy to see why. Are you ready to make Canada your second home?